Saturday, 16 November 2013

10 Cancer Saving Foods

While there are numerous books, news articles and even prime-time TV dedicated to fighting cancer just be "eating right", remember that cancer CANNOT be cured naturally. It's just one of those unfortunate things. Honestly, when you read something that says you can cure cancer naturally run! Running will in fact probably save you from cancer more. So why, you may ask, am I even writing an article on cancer saving foods? Because research on petri-dishes and rats and longitudinal studies on humans who consumed the below mentioned food for x number of years have a significantly lower cancer rate than people who didn't consumer any such food. This list of 10 is a good start to change your lifestyle into a healthier one!

#1 Berries

#2 Red Wine

#3 Tomatoes

#4 Broccoli

#5 Ginger and Turmeric

#6 Beans

#7 Vitamin D - Milk, Shrimp, Eggs

#8 Green Tea

#9 Watercress 

#10 Soy

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